Preparation for ISO 17025 for Gaza food safety labs


Procurement Notice
SUBJECT: Preparation for ISO 17025 for Gaza food safety labs
Reference Number: Request for Proposal GCP/GAZ/013/SWI – 53/16
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations calls
for proposals from eligible companies for the Preparation for ISO
17025 for Gaza food safety labs.
In this respect, FAO requests sealed proposals from eligible
competitors for the supply of the services mentioned above and
fully described in the Terms of Reference of the bidding documents.
The complete bidding documents can be examined and obtained
free of charge from the following:
• Website:
• FAO Jerusalem Office (26 Mount of Olives Street, Sheikh
Jarrah) or FAO Ramallah Office (UN-Building-Tokyo Street /
Ein Monjed Area) or FAO Gaza Office (United nations street-
UNSCO building )

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