Call for Pre-Qualification Tenders - Material truck service & plastic tarpaulin

Mercy Corps, a non-profit, non-governmental international humanitarian and development organizationinvites all related Authorized /Registeredcompaniestoparticipate in the following Tenders:
1. 060 –Material Transportation Services{Trucks & Trailers}
(خدمة نقل مواد بواسطة شاحنات جار و مجرور أو بدون مجرور)
2. 061-Supplying Plastic Tarpaulins
(توريد شوادر بلاستيك)
The following conditions apply:
-The supplier must be registered in the official quarters.
-Prices must be ZERO VAT, and the supplier must provide a Zero Vat invoice.
-Tenderdocuments can be obtained starting fromWednesday20July 2016 up to Wednesday 27July 2016 no later than 12:00pm during official working hours, from 8:00AM to04:00 PM at Mercy Corps’ Office addresses as follows:
Mercy Corps Gaza Office, Al Motaz Building 3, Talatini St.
-The Tenderdocuments must be delivered before 12:00PM on Wednesday 27July 2016,at Mercy Corps’ offices as above. The documents will be opened and reviewed by Mercy Corps committee.
-The committee is not obligated to contract with the lowest prices.
For more information, please contact Mercy Corps – Procurement Office:
Gaza Office: 08-2826331, 08-2823071