Health Programs Consultant

Consultancy Name: Supporting Qatar Red Crescent Health Programs in the Gaza Strip with Focus on Identified Priorities for the Health Sector in Gaza
Location:Gaza Strip
Duration:12 months
Contract Type: Temporary Consultancy Services
Qatar Red Crescent (QRC) is an International Humanitarian Organization and a member of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The organization (QRC) started its representation in the Gaza Strip in June2008 in order to address emergency and humanitarian needs of that highly vulnerable and marginalized area.
QRC in cooperation with the Ministry of Health (MOH)has developed a strategic plan for the health sector in the Gaza Strip which has been officially launched in February 2014. In light of our changing context in the Gaza Strip especially after the last Israeli war on Gaza (July-August 2014), a strategic meeting has been recently organized in cooperation with MOH. The meeting has identified a set of priorities that have to be addressed in the coming few years.
To build on previous achievements of QRC projects in last few years, and to promote transforming agreed uponpriorities into specific and detailed proposals ready for fund raising by different donors, QRC wishes to hire a specialized consultant with the proper skills and experience for carrying out the required amenity, and fulfill the objectives stated below. The selected consultant will be contracted according to these Terms of Reference (TOR).
Scope of Work
In accordance with the objectives of this assignment, the selected consultant shall use the best of his/her knowledge and experience and work in full coordination and under direct supervision of QRC delegation office in Gaza. The assignment shall entail, but not limited to following main activities;
-Evaluate specific previous QRC projects related to the agreed upon priorities in order to highlight the achievements so far and to extract some lessons learned helpful for planning for new projects in the same areas.
-Engage in a dialogue with MOH and other health service providers and stakeholdersin order to ultimately develop detailed proposals addressing the agreed upon priorities of the health system.
-Provide assistance in identifying different donors’ interests to provide needed funding for developed projects’ proposals.In this regard, the consultant will be expected to approach different international funding channels and modify developed proposals accordingly.
-Develop monitoring and evaluation system to follow up the implementation of funded projects and assess their impacts on the health care system performance.In this regard, the consultant will provide needed training to QRC staff and related MOH personnel to apply the developed M&E system.
Qualification & competencies
-Minimum qualification required is PhD in a field related to the assignment
-minimum experience of 10 years in senior positions in health management and planning
-Demonstrated understanding of Gaza context and MOH culture & structure
-Demonstrated experience in proposal writing and fund raising with extensive knowledge of international funding mechanisms especially in the health sector.
-A high level of interpersonal skills, integrity and ability to work with complex teams
-Strong Arabic & English writing and oral communication skills demonstrated in ability of making effective presentations to diverse audiences.
-Computer skills particularly in using Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
How to apply
Please apply by sending your CV to the following email:
before June, 23, 2016, at 2:00 pm.
For detailed TOR, please send a request to