Research on the impact of the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism on access to WASH

Research on the impact of the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) on access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Gaza.
Almost two years after the escalation of violence in Gaza during Summer 2014 and the establishment of the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM), the humanitarian situation in Gaza is extremely dire. 80 per cent of the population in Gaza relies on humanitarian aid to survive, less than ten per cent of homes that were destroyed have been completely rebuilt and of the 100,000 people whose homes were destroyed, 75,000 remain displaced.
The Gaza Strip is running out of clean drinking water with 96% of the Coastal Aquifer the sole source of fresh water contaminated with high levels of nitrates and chlorides. Post-war reconstruction and the development of the WASH sector are delayed by the nearly decade-long Israeli blockade. As needed materials are not allowed into Gaza at a sufficient pace, some WASH projects are delayed for years.
The Government of Israels dual-use list of materials whose entry into Gaza is restricted goes well beyond international standards, and includes construction materials and a long list of additional goods that are needed to meet humanitarian needs. Many of the items it includes (e.g., vacuum pumps, chemicals, service vehicles, and 20 additional WASH items) are urgently needed for the recovery and development of the WASH sector in the Gaza Strip.
As 93% of the projects to recover the WASH sector are on hold, 100,000 people across the Gaza Strip are still cut off from the water network, and 28% of the Gaza population remain unserved by sewage networks. The entire population of Gaza is at risk of outbreaks of illness and disease.
Oxfam has been present in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel (OPTI) since the 1950s, and established a country office in the 1980s. We work with the most vulnerable communities in the OPT. In Gaza, Oxfam works with farmers and fishermen who are prevented from accessing their livelihoods. We supply safe water and sanitation, and run a food-voucher project that ensures families have enough to eat and supports the local economy. We help local producers improve the quality of their produce and get it to market. We help local civil society to advocate for their rights, and have provided emergency aid during military escalations and floods.
Purpose and objectives:
Oxfam intends to conduct research that assesses whether the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) has successfully managed to provide for the basic needs of the occupied population in the Gaza Strip. By focusing on the WASH sector, the research would tie in closely with Oxfam programmes on the ground and collect compelling evidence on the shortcomings of the GRM.
Recognizing current gaps in evidence and knowledge on humanitarian access in Gaza, the consultant will conduct desk-based and field-based research aimed at answering the following core question: does the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism prevent Palestinian
men and women from accessing safe drinking water in Gaza?
Specific research questions include:
- How is the GRM impacting the design of long-term sustainable WASH programmes in the Gaza Strip?
- How is the GRM impacting the implementation of WASH programmes in the Gaza Strip?
- How is the GRM impacting the everyday lives of beneficiaries in the Gaza Strip in terms of access to water, hygiene and sanitation?
The research will be grounded in data collected through Oxfam and partner programmes in the Gaza Strip.
The research will take into account the gender dimension by assessing whether the GRM has specific impacts on men and womens ability to access water, hygiene and sanitation.
Time Commitment
It is anticipated that this assignment will be carried out over a period of 20 working days. The assignment is expected to start on 4 July 2016 and the first draft should be submitted by 15 July 2016. Oxfam should get back to the consultant with comments on the first draft by 22 July 2016, while the consultant has to submit the final draft by 29 July 2016.
Payment will be made based on deliverables of work, rather than on daily fee rate.
30% of the payment will take place upon signing contract in July 2016. The remaining 70% will be paid once the final report is approved in August 2016.
20 pages report written in English, outlining the research methodology and containing evidence-based information based on background research (desk-research and field-based research) and case-studies drawn from Oxfam programmes in Gaza.
Consultant Profile
- Expert level knowledge in working on humanitarian projects, especially WASH projects
- Commitment to meet agreed deadlines
- Relevant geographical experience from the Middle East, ideally including previous work in the oPt/Gaza, knowledge of relevant the programme profile
- Fluency in English
- Excellent verbal/written communication skills & strong report writing skills.
- Awareness of cultural sensitivities and local context
- Ability to work with a team and under pressure to meet deadlines and produce agreed deliverables
- The consultant must be independent, but collaborative, willing to share thoughts, ideas, and make constructive criticism
Submitting an Expression of Interest
Oxfam invites bids from individuals with the experience and skills described above. Tenders must include:
- A cover letter of no more than 2 pages introducing the consultant and how the skills and competencies described above are met. The cover letter should also reflect the number of days to complete the assignment and total financial offer (cost). The cover letter should also indicate consultants availability for the proposed period.
- CV as well as 3 professional references for which the consultant/s has done previous similar works.
- Consultant profile outlining similar experience including type of task, employer, project title, location, achieved outputs. At least two samples of research reports on humanitarian aid prepared by the consultant should be submitted; preferably WASH related projects.
- A proposal on how s/he will approach this task (no more than 5 pages) including a technical offer (key considerations, proposed outline methodology, deliverables and detailed schedule, roles of different team members proposed) along with a detailed breakdown of financial proposal/budget.
- The consultant team is able to acquire all necessary travel permits for Gaza. The execution of this consultancy does not entail any cost for per-diem, travel, transportation or accommodation.
If you feel you have the right skills and you would like to submit an offer , please visit our website
Ref INT2536
Deadline for offers: 22 June 2016
Intellectual Property
As per clause 9 of Oxfams standard consultancy contract (see annex C) ownership and copyright of all data, drafts and final products will be the sole and exclusive property of Oxfam Great Britain.