Youth Analysis Consultant

Catholic Relief Services is an international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States and has been present in the Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza since 1961. The CRS JWBG country program currently supports development/relief programs and activities in the sectors of civil society, humanitarian assistance, youth empowerment, education, and peace & justice. For further information about CRS, please visit: CRS is seeking a highly qualified consultant as per the following scope of work:
Scope of Work
CRS is implementing Envision Gaza 2020, a $50 million, 5-year USAID-funded project, starting in May 2016. The project focuses on providing humanitarian assistance and livelihoods activities, including Cash for Work, Cash for Internship, Cash for Apprenticeship, entrepreneurial training for youth and women, and small business grants.
CRS is conducting a youth analysis which will enable a better understanding of Gaza’s youth profile and inform program and project focus for youth ages 18-29. The analysis will include a narrative about how Envision Gaza 2020’s interventions will engage youth as viable partners in all activities; integrate youth-related issues; invest in youth; and capitalize on and strengthen the skills (internships and employability skills) of young people. The youth analysis will help ensure that program interventions address the challenges and opportunities specific to youth in Gaza.
CRS is seeking an external consultant to finalize design of the youth analysis, lead the design of tools for data collection in coordination with CRS, and implement the analysis. The analysis will be used to refine project strategies for youth-focused approaches to livelihoods and emergency response activities.
Separate gender and market assessments will be conducted during the same timeframe as the youth analysis, and the consultant will work with CRS staff to help ensure that the youth analysis complements these other assessments.
The specific objectives of the Gaza 2020 Youth Analysis are to:
- Identify the roles, responsibilities, interests, needs and strengths of youth (male and female, ages 18-29) across all five governorates in Gaza. This information will be used for decision making on project design and implementation.
- Identify the needs, strengths, and opportunities for youth with disabilities (ages 18-29)
- Identify services presently available to youth in Gaza in the three Youth Workforce Training component areas: (1) life, employability, and entrepreneurship skills; (2) youth-friendly services; and (3) engagement of youth in community service projects.
- Obtain information on priority targeting and critical intervention strategies that will contribute to a more youth responsive program implementation process for:
livelihoods (CFI/A, CFW, entrepreneurship and small capital grants); and, for
emergency response (ERR) activities
- Identify and address the underlying structural barriers to youth capitalizing on and strengthening their skills (internships and employability skills)
- Identify any youth gender gaps that are most likely to impede the achievement of Gaza 2020 goals and strategic objectives.
Youth in Gaza Strip
The summer 2014 conflict, prolonged restrictions on access and movement, separation between
Gaza and West Bank, and governance challenges, have all negatively impacted the situation of youth in Gaza. The May 2015 World Bank AHLC report indicated alarming levels of poverty among youth in Gaza, who represent 29.4% of the total population. Almost 60% of these youth are unemployed. A World Bank report published in May 2015 noted that the high rate of youth unemployment, in addition to the absence of a durable political solution, has reinforced feelings of alienation and confusion.
While youth in general have a long education-to-work transition, young women wait up to four times as long as young men to find a job.1 Women who participated in a 2015 CRS assessment indicated a number of cultural barriers that prevent them from finding employment. These include a lack of access to broader social networks, unwillingness by businesses to employ women, concern by businesses about security of women in certain locations, and a limited number of jobs that are considered ‘acceptable’ for women. High fertility rates reinforce these barriers, as women are often forced to prioritize domestic activities.
Gaza 2020 Youth Analysis Methodology
The Gaza 2020 Youth Analysis will utilize the following:
- Literature and desk review focused on current needs, priorities and strengths of youth in Gaza in the context of livelihoods and emergency response
- Participatory data collection methods including Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with male and female youth groups, semi-structured interviews with key informants (including staff at youth-serving organizations and youth-focused CBOs, local government representatives, community leaders, and parents. The framework for the Youth Analysis is described below.
Youth Population Segments to Participate in Youth Analysis: Males and females in Gaza, ages 18-29, living in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of Gaza, including youth who are Internally Displaced People (IDP), single and married, out-of-school/out-of-work/un- or under-employed, youth with disabilities, youth living in poor conditions and with limited prospects. Only individuals within this age range may participate. Comparison groups should be arranged accordingly (male / female; single / married; employed / un- or under-employed), with a maximum of 2-3 groups done for each target segment.
Youth Analysis Framework:
Youth Assessment focused on developing a demographic profile of local youth, their educational and employment status, and their levels of satisfaction with the services intended to prepare them for success in the workplace and community. Parents,
World Bank Sustainable Development Department, Middle East and North Africa Department, “Checkpoints and Barriers: Searching for Livelihoods in the West Bank and Gaza Gender Dimensions of Economic Collapse,” February 2010, p. 30.
community leaders and other key informants will be queried to enrich the understanding of youth’s challenges, including information on the enabling or hindering environment in Gaza, particularly factors affecting the participation of young women in livelihoods and emergency response activities. Tools (FGD, KII, SSI) will be developed in partnership and coordination with CRS and local partner staff.
Institutional Assessment, in partnership and coordination with CRS and local partner staff, which maps the scope of services presently available to youth in the three Youth Workforce Training component areas: (1) life, employability, and entrepreneurship skills; (2) youth-friendly services; and (3) engagement of youth in community service projects. Youth demand for these services should also be measured. The service mapping exercise will also examine which services and opportunities are available to youth during and immediately after emergencies.
Tasks and Deliverables:
The technical consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs:
- To conduct and document a Youth Analysis which can inform Envision Gaza 2020’s implementation and approaches and increase youth’s benefit from, and access to, the project’s livelihood and emergency response activities, and thereafter the project’s impact.
The technical consultant is expected to conduct and submit the following deliverables by Sunday COB, June 19th:
- Conduct literature and desk review of relevant documents, including Envision Gaza 2020 assessment data, background reports on current youth livelihood and employment activities in Gaza, youth in emergency/crisis response in Gaza, etc.
- Based on Envision Gaza 2020 documents and background reports, develop and finalize the methodology for Youth Analysis. Methodology should include description of methods, draft of tools, data quality control mechanisms, sampling strategy and outline plan/framework for data analysis. Illustrative tools may include Guide for FGDs, Guide for KII, Semi-Structured Interview Questionnaire, Institutional Assessment / Service Mapping Tool. Consultant is welcome to suggest other methods/tools as appropriate, but will be reviewed and approved by CRS in advance.
- Incorporate CRS feedback and finalize methodology and tools, taking into account complementary work with ongoing gender analysis.
- Train and prepare enumerators and recorders on tools, including focus groups, KIIs, and institutional assessment with youth in the field.
- Collect data and implement quality control mechanisms to ensure data accuracy, consistency and completeness.
- Conduct follow-up as necessary to address any gaps in data collection.
- Conduct preliminary analysis (in accordance with the agreed upon methodology and analysis plan).
- Draft Youth Analysis report with preliminary findings and recommendations and present at a workshop to CRS.
- Incorporate CRS feedback and finalize report. The report structure will be determined by CRS.
All raw data for data collection tools (FGDs, KIIs, SSI, Institutional Assessment, etc.) should be submitted in Arabic (and translated in English) and dated sequentially, organized by geographic area, and be compiled into one document electronically for CRS.
Structure of the documents and tools is to be agreed jointly by CRS and the consultant.
Required experience and expertise
Consultant/s should possess the following expertise and skills:
- University degree in the field of social or human sciences (M.A. or PhD in relevant field is an advantage);
- Minimum five years’ experience in conducting assessments and evaluations in youth (and/or closely related fields such as gender, workforce development, or education)
- Experience designing and implementing youth livelihoods strategies;
- Practical experience in the use of participatory methods for conducting assessments, monitoring and evaluation, research and planning;
- Fluency in English and Arabic;
- Background knowledge of the socio-political situation in Gaza;
- Strong analytical and creativity skills;
- Strong communication skills, with the ability to communicate detailed concepts clearly and concisely both in writing and verbally;
- Extensive experience in social research, including designing and employing both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods and tools which are participatory and sensitive to the needs of targeted beneficiaries.
Application and Bidding Procedure
Interested parties should submit the bidding proposal containing the following:
- Description of consultant applying;
- Past performance in similar areas with at least 2 references;
- A short concept paper (no more than 3 pages excluding budget) explaining proposed approach for developing focus group questions to meet program needs, recommended methodology for selecting focus group participants, process for analyzing collected data, and any youth-friendly assessment strategies to be utilized.
- A budget.
- Brief CV(s) of expert(s) involved emphasizing only relevant youth assessment and experience. Only include the CVs of those individuals who will be primarily and substantially involved in conducting the analysis. The CVs of other individuals who would only be involved peripherally will not be considered during bid reviews.
The bidder’s proposal must include a draft assessment design that will contain a description of the proposed methodology for qualitative research, work schedule, and other relevant components of the assessment. Each bid will be assessed based on its specific design/methodology in relation to the overall cost.
Consultant(s) need to take into account exact number of days of engagement (maximum 20 working days), local travel costs and all other expenses related to their assignments, accompanied by the implementation plan.
Required qualifications for the consultant
The selected consultant must be capable to work in a diverse environment, to have a high degree of youth specific evaluation experience, preferably in evaluating similar humanitarian assistance and livelihoods projects. Strong facilitation skills and educational or community engagement experience and/or background will be a plus. Consultant must be fluent in English as well as Arabic.
How to apply:
Interested applicants with relevant experience and education are encouraged to submit an application as follows:
- Application form and complete Terms of Reference is available at
- Applications will be accepted from groups (consultancy firms or teams of individuals) or individuals wishing to fulfill the role of the lead consultant.
- Submit a technical application that includes
- Description of consultant applying;
- Past performance in similar areas with at least 2 references;
- A short concept paper (no more than 3 pages excluding budget) explaining proposed methodology, implementation plan of focus groups, and timeline for data collection and analysis;
- Brief CV(s) of expert(s) involved emphasizing only relevant youth assessment and experience. Only include the CVs of those individuals who will be primarily and substantially involved in conducting the assessment. The CVs of other individuals who would only be involved peripherally will not be considered during bid reviews.
Submit a financial proposal. Prices should be in New Israeli Shekels and must be valid up till 90 days after the submission date. The financial proposal has to identify the daily rate and the total cost and should respect the maximum limit of 10 working days mentioned in this TOR. Please also clarify the estimation cost of submitting English version of the focus group data.
Please submit your complete application online at:
no later than Tuesday, May 24nd at 11:59 p.m.
The successful bidder will sign all USAID-required documents.
CRS reserves the right to reject all bids, and to decide not to pursue this procurement. CRS is not obliged to procure the lowest priced offer, when the lowest price does not offer the best overall value, all other factors considered.
For any questions, kindly contact CRS at; or Tell: 08-2881167.